Friday, September 23, 2011

Found a ride

Fantastic news everyone!  Emily Cherry with Cherry Harley Transports is going to get Bella home.  Thank you so much Emily, you are an angel!  Words alone could never explain to you how truly grateful I am for what you are doing for Bella and what you do for other animals in need of rides to their forever homes.  You are such an incredible blessing. 


  1. Praise God. He is so faithful when we ask. Blessings will abound for all those involved.

  2. Amen on that Beth. These people are such blessings and I know will be greatly rewarded by God.

  3. I contacted Nikki and she was to send me some transports to contact, she has likely been too busy so she didn't get around to it, but it looks like everything is falling into place. I am very happy to hear she will be home with her mama soon. :)

  4. I know I am so excited to get my girl home. Once I know more as to when the exact day she will be here I will let everyone know. And once she is home I will be blogging all the time about her :)

  5. I am praying very hard that the needed drivers step up quickly and that Bella is home in no time. Sending good thoughts and really looking forward to happy pictures. <3

  6. keeping miss Bella n ALL her drivers in my thoughts n prayers.....may the Goddess follow them on their ENTIRE journey....sending love n good vibes. i sure wish i could b there when Bella finally gets home 2 where she's supposed 2 b. Dawn & Bella......may u both have a LONG, HAPPY n LOVING life together.....brightest blessings,
